Monday, August 15, 2005

"A must have for every adult" (sic)

Hallucinant... Une application Java pour téléphone portable qui calcule, en temps réel, le cycle menstruel de sa femme... Commentaire des utilisateurs : "Génial ! Maintenant, je sais quand je dois aller au pub !" ; "Enfin un programme pour me dire quand ma gonzesse va devenir une tarée psychotique", etc...)

Ce monde court à sa destruction.

MyGirls / free download

Tiny tool that displays information about women, depending on their female cycle. Once you have entered the current day of her cycle, it always shows you if/when she has her menstruation, when the ovulation is/how probable it is that she gets pregnant, and how big the PMS effect currently is. Can handle multiple women ;)
Download MyGirls:
Java Motorola 240x320 compatible version

[10/10 on August 10, 2005] wadehel from Indonesia, using Siemens M55
Working fine on my phone. A must have for every adult.

[9/10 on August 3, 2005] Calvin ( from El Salvador, using Nokia 6800
An great Application very usefull and efective.
(Una aplicaci�n muy �til y efectiva).

[9/10 on August 2, 2005] datafox from nahariya, using nokia 6230
working fine but i am woman!! the wording of this software is insulting, especially because it is made to be used for multiple 'girls'. please chance this.

[5/10 on July 16, 2005] aan_btm ( from indonesia, using sonyericson T610

[9/10 on July 11, 2005] cowboy ( from uk, using samsung d500
this is proper bo, i now know when shes gonna turn into a psycho hose beast proper bo.

[10/10 on June 22,"

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